The story of Koresh21 street
Koresh 21 Street Afula
Every city has her own" back yard", it's almost seems imposable to create a city without her dark side.
We all seen this part once or twice and even heard about it on the news, and moved on to our daily life without spending a minute of thought about it.
We all know it's there, we all acknowledge its existence, and we even talked about it once or twice, never went to see it.
It's amazing how society send her older people, the poor, the unhealthy, the ethnic groups to a zone of crime, poverty and Prostitution ,most of them doesn’t even speak the local language.
And then we just tag it as the" dark side of the city" or the" back yard" of it , a place where society threw her " human garbage" cause naturally we are not talking about human beings.
This is the story of Koresh Street, the back yard of Afula, Israel.
According to the civilians that I interviewed a whorehouse is working in the street every day and night without any Interference, police officers are on the payroll ,man are coming and going , most of them seems suspicious, among them Foreign Workers and Minorities.
The police said "it's under control ", but never done anything to stop it.
The street is a combination of older people, all of them from the former Soviet Union, they were sent to the street during the seventies by the authorities that never looked back, no questions asked by no one back then.
Most of them poor, part of them ill, alone and having social economic problems. In the past the street was "dreamy" the government told them , but they discovered it was a place of unbearable conditions ,vandalism , gambling , Prostitution while The stench of sewage is everywhere .
It’s the biggest crime caused by the Authorities against civilians , but who cares, every city must have a back yard I guess .